Privacy Policy

Introduction to Our Privacy Policy

Welcome to GetRoman Pharmaceuticals SU's Privacy Policy page. In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the protection of personal data is paramount. Here at GetRoman Pharmaceuticals SU, we recognize the significance of your privacy and are committed to safeguarding the personal information that you entrust to us. This privacy policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of privacy and data protection, ensuring transparency and security in all our processes.

Scope of our Privacy Commitment

Our Privacy Policy applies to all users of the website, as well as individuals who interact with GetRoman Pharmaceuticals SU through other means, such as email correspondence or customer service inquiries. It governs how we collect, store, process, and safeguard the personal data of our visitors and customers. We want to empower you with the knowledge of our privacy practices so that you can make informed decisions regarding the use of our services and the sharing of your personal information.

Data Collection and Usage

We at GetRoman Pharmaceuticals SU collect information that is necessary for the provision of our services. This includes personal data provided by you when you visit our website, subscribe to our newsletters, or interact with us in any other way. We securely gather data such as names, contact details, health-related information, and preferences to enhance your experience and provide you with personalized services. The collection and use of your data are carried out with utmost care, ensuring that we adhere to GDPR principles and only use your information for legitimate purposes that we have clearly communicated to you. We believe it is crucial to not only meet the legal requirements but also to gain and maintain your trust through transparent and responsible data handling practices.

Your Rights Under GDPR

Under the GDPR, you have several rights concerning the processing of your personal data. These rights include accessing, rectifying, erasing, and restricting the processing of your data, as well as objecting to its use and requesting data portability. GetRoman Pharmaceuticals SU is committed to facilitating the exercise of your rights and provides tools and support for you to manage your personal information effectively. We respect your decisions, and our operations are designed to comply with your preferences in regards to the handling of your data.

Data Retention and Security

We take the responsibility of protecting your data very seriously. GetRoman Pharmaceuticals SU employs robust security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. We regularly review our security policies and procedures to ensure that our systems are secure and reliable. Your data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, in accordance with our data retention policies and GDPR regulations. In the case of any security breaches, we have established protocols to promptly address and mitigate potential harm.

Contact Information and Queries

If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to reach out to our Data Protection Officer, Zander Whitlock, via email at [email protected]. Additionally, you can contact us by post at the following address: 139 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000, Australia. We welcome your feedback and are here to answer any questions you may have about your privacy and how we handle your data.